poems for you'

'You had a dream,
you told me about it.
You where afraid. Afraid it would become real.
You realised,
you left me there. On the outside.
I didn't cry.
No, I didn't.
I thought I didn't love you anymore.
I regret it now.
Deeply, because,
I had a dream.
I can't tell you about it.
I'm afraid. Because it's real.
And it's not a dream,
it's a nightmare.'

'The reason I don't talk to you anymore is because I keep telling myself that if you wanted to speak with me,
you would.'

haha.. fyfan för obesvarad kärlek.
yeah. Hell with it.

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What's on your mind?


Jag heter Julia och är 15 år och bor längst ner i Sverige. Här på min blogg skriver jag om... ja. Allt!
Jag. Kompisar.Piano.Gitarr.Sjunga.Filmer. Böcker.Skratta.Galen. Blogga.Rita.Teater.Rock'n roll. Kärlek.Drömmar.